Andries Nel

BComm Accounting (University of Johannesburg), BComm Hons Advanced Taxation (University of Johannesburg), Postgraduate qualification in Financial Planning (University of the Free State), Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Taxation (University of Pretoria)

Andries joined Kruger International in 2009 and has more than 14 years’ experience in financial planning. While working as an audit clerk, he developed an interest in personal tax. Andries has a passion for helping clients understand their current financial position, offering detailed solutions where clients are trying to make sound investments or are encountering life events, such as retrenchments or retirements, following the processes developed by Kruger International over time.

He is a member of the Financial Planning Institute (FPI) and a member and Master Tax Practitioner (SA)™ of the South African Institute of Tax Professionals (SAIT).

Andries enjoys the outdoors, especially fresh- and saltwater fishing and hunting.

Andries Nel