Henco Kruger

BSc Financial & Actuarial Sciences (University of Pretoria), TASSA (Actuarial Society of South Africa)

Henco completed his articles at Alexander Forbes Consultants & Actuaries. He is a member in good standing of the Actuarial Society of South Africa since 2009 and received his TASSA designation in 2018. He also holds a Diploma in Insolvency Law. The CIPC licenced him as an Insolvency Practitioner in 2013. He has successfully led several formal Business Turnarounds creating and protecting value for all stakeholders. Previously he worked as Actuarial Analyst at Alexander Forbes and Quantitative Analyst at Standard Bank where after he employed his skills within the Business Turnaround space where he enjoyed many opportunities to use the skills acquired over the length of his career to aid companies in finding their success. To this end, he has been an active member in the Turnaround Management space and has overseen several key assignments where companies have been able to return to profitability.

After hours, Henco lives his passion for radio, people, business, and financial journalism as a presenter on radio stations SAfm and RSG. He also hosts RSG Kuns Met Kontant which covers how South African celebrities go about their finances. As is evident from the highly successful four seasons of RSG Kuns Met Kontant comprising 50 episodes to date, Henco’s heart-warming approach to people leads to an instant and authentic rapport. He is a public speaker, facilitator and media commentator under the registered trademark and social media handle affectionately given to him by radio listeners, namely Henco met ‘n c / Henco with a c.

Henco Kruger