Range of Funds.

Kruger Equity Prescient Fund

Kruger Balanced Prescient Fund

Kruger Prudential Prescient Fund

Kruger International Flexible Prescient Feeder Fund

Kruger International Equity Prescient Feeder Fund

Kruger International Flexible Fund

Kruger International Equity Fund

Kruger Equity Prescient Fund.

This fund gives investors our “Premium equity portfolio”. It may have an offshore exposure of up to 45%.

Kruger Balanced Prescient Fund.

This fund invests in a combination of equities, listed property, bonds and money market instruments. It has a medium to long term investment time horizon. The fund may have an equity exposure of up to 75% and adheres to Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds act. It may have an offshore exposure of up to 45%.

Kruger Prudential Prescient Fund.

This fund invests in a combination of equities, listed property, bonds and money market instruments. It has a short- to medium-term investment time horizon. The fund may have an equity exposure of up to 40% and adheres to Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds act. It may have an offshore exposure of up to 45%.

Kruger International Flexible Prescient Feeder Fund.

This fund gives investors exposure to a combination of global equities, global listed property, global bonds and global money market instruments by investing in the Kruger International Flexible Feeder Fund. It has a medium- to long-term investment time horizon. The fund typically has a high equity exposure.

Kruger International Equity Prescient Feeder Fund.

The Kruger Ci International Equity Feeder Fund is a Feeder Fund. The investment objective of the portfolio is to provide long term capital growth by providing investors with exposure to the International Equity Fund which will invest a minimum of 80% of its assets directly and/or indirectly in global equities. The portfolio will have exposure to global equities and global equity linked securities which are listed on Recognised Markets.

Kruger International Flexible Fund.

This fund invests in a combination of global equities, global listed property, global bonds and global money market instruments. It has a medium- to long-term investment time horizon. The fund typically has a high equity exposure.

Kruger International Equity Fund.

This fund gives investors our “Premium global equity portfolio”.

Asset Allocation

Kruger Ci Equity Fund vs major competitors

We use illustrative figures to explain investment performance. Please read the essential context and conditions here in order to make informed decisions

Asset Allocation

How R100 invested in the Kruger Ci Balanced Fund would have fared over the past ten years.

* Strategic Asset Allocation used before inception of the Kruger Ci Balanced Fund A

We use illustrative figures to explain investment performance. Please read the essential context and conditions here in order to make informed decisions

Asset Allocation

How R100 invested in the Kruger Ci Prudential Fund would have fared over the past ten years.

* Strategic Asset Allocation used before inception of the Kruger Ci Prudential Fund A

We use illustrative figures to explain investment performance. Please read the essential context and conditions here in order to make informed decisions

Asset Allocation

Kruger Ci International Flexible Feeder Fund vs major competitors.

We use illustrative figures to explain investment performance. Please read the essential context and conditions here in order to make informed decisions

Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation

Kruger International Flexible Fund vs major competitors

We use illustrative figures to explain investment performance. Please read the essential context and conditions here in order to make informed decisions

Asset Allocation

Kruger International Equity Fund vs major competitors.

We use illustrative figures to explain investment performance. Please read the essential context and conditions here in order to make informed decisions

Investment Committee.

Funds & Investments
Funds & Investments
Funds & Investments
Funds & Investments

Managing Director

Head of Research and Fund Management

Head of Interest-Bearing Investments

Director Research and Fund Management

BA (University of Pretoria)

Hein was a political, parliamentary and financial journalist for Nasionale Pers before becoming a Johannesburg City Councillor. He was deputy chairman of its budget committee and Town planning Tribunal as well as the Central Witwatersrand Regional Services Council.

Hein has more than 33 years’ experience in financial markets, working with various firms on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). He gained his expertise as property developer, political analyst, equities, futures and bonds trader as well as money market and equities portfolio manager.

He founded Kruger International in 2000. He specializes in asset allocation analysis and portfolio construction for high net worth private clients, managing equity and unit trust portfolios based on process driven strategy, rather than commission. He is a member of the Investment Analysts Society of Southern Africa since 1990.

He enjoys sailing and running. He ran the Comrades Marathon on twenty occasions.

Hein is a regular media commentator.
• Mondays at 18h00 on Radio Tygerberg’s “Hoe gemaak met geld?”
• Mondays at 20h00 on Radio Namakwaland
• Wednesdays at 17h40 on Radio Pulpit
• Fridays at 07h15 on Cape Pulpit
• Guest on “RSG Geldsake” weekdays at 18h10

Books by Hein.
• Jou Geldsake: Bybelse riglyne vir persoonlike finansiële bestuur (Kindle version)
• Die Rykste Man In Babilon (Kindle version)
• Leer Meer Oor Geldsake
• Begrotings

BComm Mathematics (University of Stellenbosch), CFA®

Bernard spent more than 10 years as an institutional investment consultant at various consulting teams (Absa, Old Mutual and SEI). He advised large corporations and state-owned enterprises on asset allocation policies and fund selection for their respective retirement funds.

Prior to joining Kruger International in June 2023, he spent 8 years at Analytics Consulting as head of investments and 4 years at Stonehage Fleming & Partners where, as a director, he was responsible for investment strategy and research for their South African ultra-high net worth client base. Bernard is a member of the CFA Institute and the Investment Analysts Society of Southern Africa.

Bernard enjoys a braai and spending time with his two daughters and their dogs.

BComm Mathematical Sciences, BComm Hons Financial Risk Management (University of Stellenbosch), CFA®, CAIA®

Anthonie spent more than 6 years as a portfolio manager with specific focus in managing fixed income portfolios, managing various funds such as the Ci Diversified Income Fund, Sygnia Passive Bond Fund and Sygnia Money Market Fund.
Prior to joining Kruger International in August 2023, he spent 4 years at Analytics Consulting as head of fixed income and 4 years at Sygnia Asset Management, where he held portfolio manager and analyst roles.
Anthonie is a member of the CFA Institute, the CAIA Association and the Investment Analysts Society of Southern Africa.
Anthonie enjoys reading non-fiction books and spending time with his wife and two lively Dalmations.

BComm Economic and Management Science, BComm Hons Statistics (University of Stellenbosch), CFA®

Mia received her Chartered Financial Analyst designation in 2013. She was a mentor in the CFA Institute’s Global University Challenge for postgraduates, teaching comprehensive analysis of listed companies for three consecutive years. Mia has more than 16 years’ experience in financial markets, equity research, portfolio construction and fund management and is a member of the Investment Committee at Kruger International. She joined Kruger International in 2007.

Mia is a member of the CFA Institute and the Investment Analysts Society of Southern Africa.

Mia enjoys travelling, sailing, mountain biking, swimming and running. She has completed the Comrades Marathon and participated in numerous Ironman 70.3 events.

Mia is a regular media commentator:
• RSG Geldsake weekdays at 18h10
• Business Day TV weekdays at 18h30
• MoneywebNOW weekdays at 06h30
Follow Mia on X/Twitter @mia_kruger.