Hein Kruger on Radio Tygerberg
Hein and Reinhard spoke about the topic Cop-27
Hein Kruger and Reinhard spoken about the topic “G20 US & China agree nuclear weapons may not be used in […]
Hein Kruger op Radio Tygerberg
Hein en Reinhard het oor die onderwerp "Kontras leer ons om dankbaar te wees vir dit wat ons eintlik in […]
Hein and Reinhard spoke about the topic “The more things change, the more they stay the same”.
Hein Kruger and Reinhard spoke about the topic “How adaptable are you?”
Hein and Reinhard spoke about the topic “Drinking water is decreasing but salt water is increasing”
Hein Kruger and Reinhard spoke about the topic Graphs don’t always tell the truth
Hein Kruger and Reinhard spoke about the topic – Good habits and self-discipline makes you financially independent
Hein Kruger and Reinhard spoke about the topic “What are you worried about?”
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Hein Kruger and Reinhard spoke about the topic Inflation.